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25 May 2010

Andreas Johann Schimp and Margaret Wintzel

Andreas' parents are Johann Schimpf and Elizabeth Weikert.

Findagrave: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/77896062/margaret-shimp (Her son David is buried in the same cemetery.)

Source for family:
History of St Jospeh Co, Indiana, 1907, page 1089-1090
The following article is from the book: "A History of St. Joseph County, Indiana", by Timothy Edward Howard, 1907, page 1089-1090. Jacob Shimp was a native son of New Jersey, born on the 16th of June, 1812. His father died when he was a young man, and when eleven years of age he went with his widowed mother to Warren county, Ohio, there residing and continuing to care for her until her death. He came to Indiana in 1833, and his death occurred on the 19th of March, 1901, at which time the following memorial of his life appeared in one of the local papers: "Jacob Shimp, the last Jackson voter in St. Joseph county, died at 4:30 Tuesday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Cyrus B. Miller at the corner of Monroe and Franklin streets, his death being painless, having been unconscious about a day. His death was due to a general breaking down of the system, but his last illness lasted but two days. Mr. Shimp would have been eighty-nine years old June 16, and he had resided in this county sixty-eight years. He bore his years remarkably well and retained his faculties to a remarkable degree. The deceased was a Mason, and was buried under the auspices of the Terre Coupee Lodge, No. 204, of New Carlisle, the services being held at the New Carlisle Christian church. "The deceased had long been a familiar figure in this city and county, and was a citizen of most excellent repute and a Democrat of unwavering integrity. His death took the last Jackson voter from St. Joseph county. Few men were prouder of a deed that was the deceased in the fact that he had voted once for Old Hickory. Mr. Shimp was a Jacksonian. He was one of ten children born to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Shimp, both of whom were natives of New Jersey. Andrew Shimp was born in New Jersey, February 18, 1767, and when quite a young man married Margaret Wendyell, who was boron November 12, 1771. Their children were: Susan, born August 1, 1782; Hannah, December 20, 1794; Anna, September 12, 1797; David, February 10, 1800; Elizabeth, April 8, 1802; Sarah, April 6, 1803; Samuel, October 18, 1805; Andrew, May 27, 1810; Jacob, June 16, 1811; and John, May 28, 1817." "Jacob, the ninth child, was born in Salem county, New Jersey, but removed with his parents to Ohio in 1825, settling in Warren county, one of the old Abolition and Republican strongholds of that state. He lived there until 1833, when he removed to St. Joseph county, where he has since resided. Jacob's grandfather and grandmother were natives of Germany. His father was a prosperous farmer until the era of depreciated continental money came upon him, causing him to lose the farm which he had worked hard to develop. In 1838 Jacob married Ann Druliner, who died in 1840. Two years later he took for his second wife Hannah Graham, of Warren county, Ohio, who died March 15, 1889. To them seven children were born, and all but two survive. The survivors are: Mrs. Lewis Kirby, Of Warren county, Ohio; Mrs. Cyrus B. Miller of this city; ex-Trustee John M. Shimp of Harris township; ex-County Recorder William D. Shimp of this city; and Mrs. Joseph Burden of Olive township." "The entire Shimp family, beginning with Andrew, the father of Jacob, have been Democrats to the backbone. The woman have been as loyal and enthusiastic as the men and would gladly have voted had the law allowed. Jacob Shimp cast his first vote for Andrew Jackson, in 1832, and had voted the straight Democratic ticket ever since until the last when he was too ill to go to the polls. He took great pride in his long record of unswerving allegiance to the Democratic party and in the fact that his sons tread in the same path. One of the latter, William D., has served as recorder of St. Joseph county and is a leading citizen of South Bend." Throughout the long period of his residence in St. Joseph county, Mr. Shimp was ever true to the trusts reposed in him. He commanded the respect of all by his upright life, and engraved his name indelibly on the pages of the county's history. Sources: Title: History of St Joseph Co , Indiana, 1907, page 1089-1090 Abbrev: History of St. Joseph Co., Indiana Author: Timothy Edward Howard Publication: Lewis Publishing Co., Chicago, Illinois, 1907 Title: Steven Harn Redman Note: P.O. Box 544, Clearfield, UT, USA, 84089, redmans@sisna.com, http://steveredman.com/.
This GEDCOM is the collaborated work of many genealogists. For more information on the family lines included, please contact Steven Harn Redman at the address or email listed.

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